11th Hellenic Spine Congress
Dear Colleagues,
The annual congress of the Hellenic Spine Society is a forum for the realization of the Society’s mission and goals, aiming to foster the optimum medical care of all the patients suffering spinal diseases and deformities. It is, therefore, a great honor and privilege for me to invite you to the 11th Hellenic Spine Congress, (http://www.ctmi.gr/spine2017) to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (http://www.cpathens.com), from 2 to 5 November 2017, in Athens, Greece.
Our ambition, as far as this year’s Congress is concerned, is to bring together, not only the domestic colleagues, but as many as possible Greek doctors or doctors of Greek origin working abroad, either permanently or temporarily, dealing with spine conditions. Their participation will be a great opportunity to meet each other in motherland and to share our knowledge.
Leading specialists in the field will be presenting, providing valuable information to all professionals caring for patients with spinal diseases and deformities, at all stages and ages. The scientific program will cover a series of topics, embracing the current developments of practice applied both worldwide and in Greece.
We are also delighted to announce that the annual congress of the Hellenic Spine Society is going to take place in conjunction with the annual Symposium of the Spine Diseases Section of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Furthermore, I would like to inform you that, in the meeting’s program, a symposium pertinent to our topics will be presented by the Spine Section of the Hellenic Scientific Physiotherapy Association.
We hope to keep up the successful tradition of the past congresses and also the present congress to be an important event in terms of the ongoing update and training, of us all, senior and junior colleagues. To attain this goal, every resident /trainee will be offered free registration.
It is important for you to know that during our Congress, a winner scientific paper is going to be awarded and published free of APCs in theScoliosis and Spinal Disorders PubMed indexed journal (https://scoliosisjournal.biomedcentral.com), giving credit to scientific endeavor and team work, as well.
Considering that the success of our Congress depends on your attendance, we look forward to your active participation and also to your scientific research work, so as to prove once again that our Society remains potent against all odds.
The President of the Hellenic Spine Society
Dr. Theodoros B Grivas MD PhD